
Legislative Update


NH Senate Bill 547 (Prefiled Legislation) Relative to an electronic prescription drug program. https://legiscan.com/NH/text/SB547/id/2082061

In preparation for the 2020 legislative session, SB 547 has been prefiled in the New Hampshire Senate. The bill would mandate the use of electronic prescriptions for all controlled substances and become effective just a few months after passage.

The bill is currently before the Health and Human Services Committee and will likely be taken up when the session begins this week.

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NH Physician Assistants Allowed to Certify Patients for the Therapeutic Cannabis Program

Legislative Update:

Effective August 20, 2019, NH Physician Assistants Allowed to Certify Patients for the Therapeutic Cannabis Program

The Therapeutic Cannabis Program will begin accepting Written Certifications that have been signed by physician assistants who are licensed in New Hampshire. Governor Sununu signed into law HB 350, which adds physician assistants to the list of NH provider types that are allowed to certify patients for NH’s Therapeutic Cannabis Program. The Written Certification for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol has been updated to reflect this change. https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oos/tcp/

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