Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities Skyrocket

According to the Governors Safety Highway Association’s preliminary report, 3,434 pedestrians were killed due to traffic crashes in the first half of 2022 in 49 states and the District of Columbia. This unprecedented surge in pedestrian deaths is a public health concern and a significant socio-economic issue.  The primary factors behind these accidents, discuss the impact on society and suggest possible solutions to curb this alarming trend.

Causes of Pedestrian Fatalities:

  1. Distracted Driving: The rise in smartphone usage and in-car infotainment systems has increased driver distraction, leading to more pedestrian accidents.

  2. Increased Traffic: Urbanization and population growth have increased traffic congestion, making it more challenging for drivers to be aware of pedestrians.

  3. Poorly Designed Infrastructure: Lack of proper pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic signals contribute to the increased risks pedestrians face.

  4. Speeding: Drivers traveling at high speeds have less time to react and are more likely to cause severe or fatal injuries in case of an accident.

  5. Impaired Driving: Alcohol and drug use remain significant factors in fatal pedestrian accidents.

The National Safety Council reports that one of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents is lack of visibility. Drivers who cannot see you are more likely to hit you. There are some ways that you can increase your visibility as a pedestrian, such as:

  • Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.

  • Use designated crosswalks where available.  If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic.

  • Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic as far from traffic as possible.

  • Wear bright clothing and wear reflectors on your clothing.

  • Use a flashlight at night! 

Impact on Society:

  1. Loss of life: The most tragic consequence of pedestrian

  2. Public Health: The rise in pedestrian fatalities is a significant public health concern, affecting individuals of all ages and demographics.

  3. Economic Costs: Traffic accidents involving pedestrians result in high financial costs, including medical expenses, lost productivity, and property damage.

  4. Emotional Trauma: Fatalities involving pedestrians affects the victims' families and the automobile drivers.

If you have been injured in a traffic accident at no fault of your own, talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer.  A lawyer can provide legal expertise, navigate complex legal processes, and protect your rights.

Patch & FitzGerald has successfully represented clients and won complex cases for over 35 years.  Call us today at 603-647-2600 for a free consultation.  We Only Get Paid When You Win!